Welcome to my site

I would enjoy your comments or suggestions.

I realize that in some cases I have used the same image a few times perhaps with a different number, no worry, Here is my suggestion how to buy prints. When you see the image, images you like write down the number. On each page is a link to send me an email, please send me a message with the image number and print size. I will check it to be certain everything looks ok and will reply with the amount of the order. At the moment I can only use Paypal for payment. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

AND for now if you buy3 prints, you will get any print you want in 8×10 size for free!

For the moment I will use Paypal for payment, My account there is this: westholly@pacbell.net. If you have an account there you can pay me directly, if not I will send you a request for payment to your email address, I think this should work well, if you have any suggestionsm please let me know, Thanks in advance…

Here arwe the prices for various size prints

8×10.      $19.00

        11×14.      $29.00       

13×19.        $50.00


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